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LastDisplayField Addresses and Status |San Francisco Youth Soccer

The Field named Minnie and Lovie 3 is at the Location named Minnie and Lovie Ward Recreation Center

Minnie and Lovie Ward Recreation CenterOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Status is Open FieldOpen
Plymouth Avenue and Lobos Street
San Francisco, 94112
Fields at this Location
  1. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1 (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 869, RidgeStar 1061, GotSoccer 109366, 130683, 133929, 133962, 144135, 153115
  2. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1A (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 939
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1, Minnie and Lovie 1A/B
  3. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1A/B (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 872, RidgeStar 1063, GotSoccer 83940, 105130, 106628, 117364, 153337, 154508
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1
  4. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1B (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 938
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1, Minnie and Lovie 1A/B
  5. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1C (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 940
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1, Minnie and Lovie 1C/D
  6. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1C/D (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 873, RidgeStar 1066, GotSoccer 102246, 106630, 117365, 130782, 144130, 144146, 153335, 163233
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1
  7. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 1D (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 941
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 1, Minnie and Lovie 1C/D
  8. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2 (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 870, RidgeStar 1068, GotSoccer 83841, 109367, 133963, 135487
  9. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2A (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 936
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2, Minnie and Lovie 2A/B
  10. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2A/B (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 875, RidgeStar 1070, GotSoccer 102247, 106627, 117366, 144139, 144143, 157730, 163223
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2
  11. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2B (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 937
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2, Minnie and Lovie 2A/B
  12. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2C (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 934
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2, Minnie and Lovie 2C/D
  13. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2C/D (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 874, RidgeStar 1073, GotSoccer 102248, 106629, 117367, 163206, 163235
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2
  14. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 2D (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 935
    SubField of: Minnie and Lovie 2, Minnie and Lovie 2C/D
  15. fieldOpenMinnie and Lovie 3 (Synthetic Turf), sfystimeslots 871, RidgeStar 1075, GotSoccer 83856, 101144, 101178, 105131, 116690, 116969, 117363, 118171, 144169, 152659, 163234
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Location Details

Every piece of grass or turf has a name and number. Because we share data with other databases, we need to map or correlate our field numbers with their field numbers.

sfystimeslots is field number in this website.

ridgestar is the the field number used when transferring data among RidgeStar affiliated websites.

gotsoccer is the field number(s) of this field defined in the GotSoccer software

Locations vs. Fields

A Location is a complex with one or more Fields. Example = Crocker Amazon

A Field is a uniquely identifiable portion of a Location. Example = Crocker Amazon #2 A/B
