*Reset Password

Reset Password

LastDisplayField Addresses and Status |San Francisco Youth Soccer

To reset your password, provide your SiteName, an email address and a phone number that was provided during registration. Click on "Request".

Reset Password
Phone Number
  1. The SiteName is the EXACT name (First+Middle+Last) that you used to register with [claName]. If you specified a Middile Initial or Name, it MUST be provided.
  2. The SiteName is NOT case sensitive, but must contain the precise sequence of letters that make up the name on file.
  3. The Email address you provide must be on file and associated with the SiteName.
  4. The phone number you provide must be on file and associated with the SiteName.
  5. A successful comparison on SiteName, Email and Phone Number will generate an Email message to the specified Email address containing instruction to complete the Password Reset.