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LastDisplayField Addresses and Status |San Francisco Youth Soccer

Fort Scott (Presidio) (Not a SFRPD facility)OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Status is Unknown FieldUnknown
Stone Street and Storey Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129
Fields at this Location
  1. fieldOpenFt. Scott Field (Grass), sfystimeslots 864, RidgeStar 1026, GotSoccer 80224
  2. fieldOpenFt. Scott North (Grass), sfystimeslots 521, RidgeStar 714, GotSoccer 134512
  3. fieldOpenFt. Scott South (Grass), sfystimeslots 520, RidgeStar 713, GotSoccer 134356, 134513
  4. fieldOpenFt. Scott West (Grass), sfystimeslots 1128, RidgeStar 1104, GotSoccer 134514, 134516
    7v7 small field
OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

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match This Location is used for Matches

practice This Location is used for Practices

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weather This location has a weather related note. Hover to read or click the hyperlinked key number.

Location Details

Every piece of grass or turf has a name and number. Because we share data with other databases, we need to map or correlate our field numbers with their field numbers.

sfystimeslots is field number in this website.

ridgestar is the the field number used when transferring data among RidgeStar affiliated websites.

gotsoccer is the field number(s) of this field defined in the GotSoccer software

Locations vs. Fields

A Location is a complex with one or more Fields. Example = Crocker Amazon

A Field is a uniquely identifiable portion of a Location. Example = Crocker Amazon #2 A/B
