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LastDisplayField Addresses and Status |San Francisco Youth Soccer

Polo Fields, Golden Gate ParkOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Status is Open FieldOpen
Metson Rd & Middle Dr W
San Francisco, CA 94122
Fields at this Location
  1. fieldOpenPolo Fields #1 (Grass), sfystimeslots 71, RidgeStar 284, GotSoccer 52653, 56073, 73056, 163228
  2. fieldOpenPolo Fields #2 (Grass), sfystimeslots 403, RidgeStar 601, GotSoccer 49396, 56037, 81437
  3. fieldOpenPolo Fields #2A/B (Grass), sfystimeslots 1250, RidgeStar 1207
    SubField of: Polo Fields #2
  4. fieldOpenPolo Fields #2C/D (Grass), sfystimeslots 1251, RidgeStar 1206
    SubField of: Polo Fields #2
  5. fieldOpenPolo Fields #3 (Grass), sfystimeslots 404, RidgeStar 602, GotSoccer 29805, 52652, 54315, 56038, 81439, 152831
  6. fieldOpenPolo Fields #4 (Grass), sfystimeslots 405, RidgeStar 603, GotSoccer 52651, 54316, 56040, 81438, 110966, 117981, 144306
  7. fieldOpenPolo Fields #4A/B (Grass), sfystimeslots 1252, RidgeStar 1223
    SubField of: Polo Fields #4
  8. fieldOpenPolo Fields #4C/D (Grass), sfystimeslots 1253, RidgeStar 1224
    SubField of: Polo Fields #4
  9. fieldOpenPolo Fields #5 (Grass), sfystimeslots 406, RidgeStar 604, GotSoccer 18003, 52650, 58069, 81440, 134580, 144504
  10. fieldOpenPolo Fields #6 (Grass), sfystimeslots 407, RidgeStar 605, GotSoccer 52649, 56039, 58070
  11. fieldOpenPolo Fields #6A/B (Grass), sfystimeslots 760, RidgeStar 929, GotSoccer 78427
    SubField of: Polo Fields #6
  12. fieldOpenPolo Fields #6C/D (Grass), sfystimeslots 761, RidgeStar 930
    SubField of: Polo Fields #6
  13. fieldOpenPolo Fields #7 (Grass), sfystimeslots 781, RidgeStar 955, GotSoccer 52648, 64139
  14. fieldOpenPolo Fields #7A/B (Grass), sfystimeslots 811, RidgeStar 1040, GotSoccer 58127, 133964
    SubField of: Polo Fields #7
  15. fieldOpenPolo Fields #7C/D (Grass), sfystimeslots 812, RidgeStar 1041, GotSoccer 58177, 133965
    SubField of: Polo Fields #7
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Location Details

Every piece of grass or turf has a name and number. Because we share data with other databases, we need to map or correlate our field numbers with their field numbers.

sfystimeslots is field number in this website.

ridgestar is the the field number used when transferring data among RidgeStar affiliated websites.

gotsoccer is the field number(s) of this field defined in the GotSoccer software

Locations vs. Fields

A Location is a complex with one or more Fields. Example = Crocker Amazon

A Field is a uniquely identifiable portion of a Location. Example = Crocker Amazon #2 A/B
