How can I get a RSS feed of TimeSlots Alerts?Printable

RSS Feed

rss RSS feed is a means where individuals can request information and get updates from a website without having to constantlly visit the website. The individual "subscribes" to obtain the information. The individual requests the information from the website, which works better than the website sending information out (as in via automated emails).

Users can subscribe to have the information displayed in many different means, including

Available Information

The types of information that will appear in the RSS feed from includes:

How do I sign up?

  1. Go to Services:Profile-Messaging and click checked the ICS flag.

    This step opts in to making your notices, reminders and schedule available to the rss feed. Though unlikely, this means that anyone could access this information.

  2. Return to this page and click on the rss icon in this line.
  3. Copy the code to your device / program.
  4. This website is not going to teach you how to use RSS. Learn about RSS->