

LastDisplayField Addresses and Status |San Francisco Youth Soccer

How to compare SFYS:TimeSlots matches to GotSoccer matches? DEPRECATEDPrintable

Being Revised Not correct as of 3/5/16

TeamStaff can query the GotSoccer database to compare the match details as listed in the SFYS TimeSlots database against the match details in the GotSoccer database. This may be important to TeamStaff because:

    1. The team is using as a resource to obtain referees.

      Match details for referee assigning are coordinated between SFYS TimeSlots and TeamStaff can adjust match details at SFYS TimeSlots, but the TeamStaff do not have access directly to

    2. The team is using SFYS TimeSlots for field resource scheduling. This is via the TimeSlots table.

There are multiple databases in use to coordinate the opponents, matches, referees and field scheduling for soccer matches. If these databases are not coordinated, there will be instances of "teams and no referees", "referees and no teams", "four teams at the same field", and "only one team at the match".

It is the responsibility of the TeamStaff to ensure that all databases correspond.

The communication between the GotSoccer and SFYS:TimeSlots database is minimal. Due to contractual obligations with other vendors, GotSoccer provided only this minimal capability. The communication is one way: GotSoccer to SFYS:TimeSlots. The communication is not automatic - data has to be requested.

The communication link is NOT robust, meaning that we fully expect it to fail in unusual circumstances. It is not our desire to provide a feature that we expect to fail, but our choices are limited.

We hope that the communication link that we have established will assist TeamStaff in coordinating the databases, but the existence of the link does not absolve TeamStaff of the responsibility to coordinate data.

Compare Match data at TeamStaff:My Team-Matches with GotSoccer

  1. Click on the gotsoccer icon

    A query is sent to GotSoccer. Only matches in RedwoodSoccer where the following conditions are met will be checked.

    • The RedwoodSoccer match has Source=GotSoccer
    • The RedwoodSoccer Match has SourceKey ={GotSoccerEventNumber.{GotSoccerMatchNumber}
    • The GotSoccerTeamID number is stored in RedwoodSoccer and is correct
    • RedwoodSoccer has requested access to the GotSoccer Event data.
    • The GotSoccer Event Staff (League Director) has authorized data communication.

The data download from GotSoccer can take several seconds - it is not fast.

Results - GotSoccer Column

close is an indication that the match in the SFYS TimeSlots database is not linked with a match in the GotSoccer database. If you suspect that the match shuld be linked, the Source or SourceKey may be wrong. Or Redwood has not requested this GotSoccer data. Or the League Director using GotSoccer has not authorized exporting data to RedwoodSoccer.

warning is an indication that the match in the SFYS TimeSlots database thinks that there should be a corresponding match in the GotSoccer database. But the GotSoccer match data was not found. This can happen when a match is deleted in the GotSoccer database (GotSoccer does not tell us when a match is deleted.) This can also happen when a match in the GotSoccer database is given a new match number.

ok is an indication that the data for this match corresponds between the two databases.

no is an indication that crucial match details differ between the GotSoccer database and the SFYS TimeSlots database. TeamStaff should adjust the details in one or the other of the two databases.

HOVER you mouse over any of these icons and you might get a pop up box that will give you details of the comparison between the two databases.

Generated February 2013
