TimeSlots Scheduling FAQs

Posted: Wednesday August 17th, 2016


Question or Clarifications: http://tinyurl.com/timeslotsFAQ


Field space is a scarce commodity in San Francisco. There simply is not a sufficient number of fields in the parks to meet the demand. This website is designed to:

  • Increase the utilization rate of athletic fields for youth soccer
  • Delegate permission to change when and where a match will be played to the Home Team Staff.
  • Allow all teams and clubs to see what time slots are available.
  • Establish a priority system where clubs and teams with quantifiable reasons for field preferences are identified

What is a TimeSlot?

A TimeSlot is a reservation on a section of an athletic field for a length of time. A TimeSlot can be designated for a match or for a practice session. A TimeSlot can be on an entire field, 1/2 of a field or 1/4 of a field.

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